Drill down on acquisition advertising with iterative testing

How we used iterative creative testing to dramatically lower lead costs for a growing organization

Showcased Capabilities

Advertising, Creative

Fair Courts America is a growing organization dedicated to defending the judiciary and the rule of law at every level — from the Supreme Court to your local prosecutor.

Because their mission touches on so many topics, we set out to help them maximize their acquisition budget by aggressively testing which issues, styles, and tactics would perform best for them.

How we did it

Because Fair Courts America was ready to invest in a long-term acquisition campaign, we had a unique opportunity to test their broad messaging set sequentially.

Each test we conducted led us to re-evaluate what we thought we knew about what drove acquisitions — and then iterate our next test to dig deeper into our findings across platforms.

Here are just a few of the tests that we did:

• Which broad branch of their issue set drives the most conversions?

• Do optimistic or pessimistic outlook messages on that issue drive more acquisitions?

• Does issue-focused imagery outperform images of relevant public figures in display ad creative on that issue?

• Does adding text to our tested imagery on Responsive Display raise or lower our CPA?

As we improved our knowledge of what drove our audience with each test, we could layer each incremental lift into our overall campaign performance. Brick by brick, test by test, we significantly improved the efficacy of the acquisition campaign as a whole.


We lowered average CPA across all ad campaigns by 63% in just a few months.

What we learned

Don’t guess what converts your target audience: test what works. Each testing result you find should lead you to your next hypothesis.

Dramatic improvements in ad performance are built one test at a time.