3 Things to Consider When You Plan Your Video Marketing Strategy

Here's how you should think about your video marketing strategy when you are on a budget.

Creative Strategy

When it comes to video production, time is money. So how do you decide what’s best for your brand within your budgetary constraints?

Think through these three principles as you plan out your video marketing strategy.

1. Your Budget Matters

It goes without saying that the more robust your budget, the better the final product will be. A skilled video team can be creative at any reasonable price point – but lower budgets mean fewer tools and less time to craft the best possible product for your brand.

Less robust budgets are sometimes part of a brand’s reality – but it’s important to know at the outset that the ultimate results follow from initial budgeting. A robust budget means more time, more tools, and more overall resources at our disposal to create the product your team ultimately wants.

This video does a great job demonstrating how budget, time, and quality are all inter-related and work together to determine what your final project will look like, as well as how it will be perceived by your audience.

It’s easy to see, right? More time – even 10 minutes – can mean a vastly superior creative product that will cause your audience to stop scrolling and marvel at the story you’ve been able to tell.

2. Video Quality Matters

It’s one thing to hear this from the agency perspective – but it’s something else entirely to know how consumers perceive a brand based on their quality of their online videos.

Brightcove outlines the high cost of a low budget when it comes to brand perception among consumers:

Why spend on video marketing strategy?

The bottom line is, the lower quality your online videos, the higher chance you will have a negative brand perception.

3. Your Video Marketing Strategy Shouldn’t Sacrifice Quality for Quantity

Brands are sometimes tempted to spend less money on more videos. At IMGE, we advise our clients to produce fewer videos at a higher quality. Create a singular product that will capture the attention of your audience, rather than a handful of pieces of content that are of a lower quality and can end up hurting your brand reputation.

When less time goes into more video, the results speak for themselves. Your content may be more diverse, but the quality will ultimately suffer.

Are you ready to create high-quality videos that will make your brand stand out? Let’s talk. Drop us a line and we’ll connect you with your award-winning video team.

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