Do you want your audience to want to hear your message?

Try Content Marketing.

Why we recommend:

  • Content marketing is the art of wrapping your brand message in a package that makes people ask to see your ads.
  • Provide your target audience with information they find valuable and entertaining. The trust you build will pay dividends in the long run - 78% of consumers say they trust brands more if they create more customized content.
  • Content marketing boosts SEO, builds trust, and costs less than paid advertising. Build your brand with quality content.

How it works:

Too many marketers only contact their audience when they want something. You wouldn’t tolerate that in a real-life relationship, and more and more consumers refuse to tolerate that behavior from brands.

Content marketing focuses on creating engaging and informative content to keep the connection between consumers and brands alive in between asks.

IMGE utilizes social media monitoring and issue research to help your brand stay on top of the discussion in your industry. We combine that knowledge with our expertise in creative content creation. We help you build up your brand as an authority within your industry. When consumers look for answers in your issue area, we want them to turn to you first.

This relationship building pays off in the long run, and helps keep your audience engaged.

Key Metric

While gathering three times the leads, content marketing, on average, costs this much less than advertising:


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